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Availability and prices

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Availability and Olimpia prices in Madrid

Click here or the image below to display our availability and rental prices table.

Terms and conditions

The listed prices are not VAT inclusive and are only meant as a reference: the actual prices will be agreed in each case, although they will be circa the stated quotes.

All prices include service charges and local taxes. For weekly lettings, prices also include water rates and electricity supply (up to a negotiable cap). Other services not included in the listed prices may also be agreed and included.

If the number of residents exceeds the maximum considered suitable for the property (second column on the left margin in price table), the extra charges will be agreed on individual cases.

Bookings will be accepted once the agreed deposits and guarantees are settled.

Prices are flexible depending on periods of stay: long stay, temporary, holidays, etc.

Direct management, no middlemen, no commissions.

We offer discounts, with negotiable terms, for multiple lettings.

Prices may vary, within certain limits set in the prices, according to floors and seasons.

Competitive prices for the locations and services on offer.

We can assist with and provide additional services such as housekeeping, car rentals, taxi bookings, etc.

Other available apartments

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